What annoyed you today? (1 Viewer)

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What annoyed me? Watching the Oscars and Melissa Etheridge with a huge sign saying ..."you can take Mass transit"... in front of a bunch of people who couldn't care less! Not one took a greyhound to that stupid show!
I read the Oscars had the lowest rating in 30 years. Now if we could just convince the other 30 million dumb***es in the world to boycott those Hollywood blowhards we all would live in a better place.

Having to conduct performance reviews.
Adler hey you guys need it to keep the Bayern hills looking green this summer ......... snow is melting off but we have a 20mph cold wind from the East 35F.

oscars are for fools, and al gore is typical. won an oscar and uses more electricity in a day compared to what the average US consumption in a year......yeah he needs it alright. i don't care how many parties you throw for your worthless friends, you two face piece of crap. Gosh I forgot, that's right you said you invented the internet ..... i forgot ~ what a life
I dont think we will get much rain this summer. It is expected to be 2 to 3 C hotter than it was last year and we had an average temp of 34 to 36 C last summer with a few days over 40 C.
your average was that high last year ? that sucks especially in the mtns. we had 3 days of 112F plus in July. every year we get hammered in July and August for 2 weeks. this started though when I first moved to Oregon in 63. and they all said we moved to cooler climes from central Cali.............yeah right. global warming ..... blttttttttttt ...........

I'm sending postive Kalt vibes to Germany right now
Having to tell a terrific employee who just spent a year in Balad supporting our products that he was rated average this year (not by me!) and he will not get a merit raise. I gotta retire soon. Even if I have to live in a mobile home and fish for supper.
Got in a pissing match with some ******* from NYC over him sending me 10000 of something when I wanted 2000 of it. Would not take it back and wouldn't work with the price. Ended up hanging up on the prick.

Is it any wonder the chinese are taking over. Every time I have a problem with them, it gets fixed in no time. God, I hate New Yorkers. Nastiest SOBS on the planet.
.............yeah right. global warming .....

I just saw on the news that the high for today in my area was recorded in 1930! Do they really think the WHOLE WORLD will stop contributing to this Global Warming farce?

And while we paid $5 a gallon for gas those oscar goofballs didn't stop using it to make movies, like MI3....or to blow the leaves off their 500 acre lawns.

Give us a break!

Now the news is saying Mr. Gore is a fraud, not environ friendly.

Thats what annoys me today
I bought a lottery ticket for tonight... The first prize is $1,000,000 CND by year for 25 years. The bad thing is that the numbers were supposed to be published today at 9:00 PM but they aren't out yet... And it's now 11:00 PM !

I'm sure I won't win anything, but I can dream, right ?
Maestro, you obviouly didn't take much math in school. You just donated your hard earned money to some liberal social program in the name of chance. My sick grandmother thanks you.
Turns out Feeder have comercially relased an album which was previously a 200 run limited edition, one of whih I have. Bang goes the collectors value of that item
The expansion of the ethanol industry has pushed up the price of corn
from $4.75 for a 50 pound bag last summer to $7.25 today...I will be cutting back the corn ration I give my deer each evening.
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