What annoyed you today?

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This boy has already logged 5 hours of crying today!
wow that sucks I think 20 minutes was my record and thats when she had the flu , even teething doesn't seem to phase her, she is now an ATB or All Terrain Baby always climbing and falling, she goes up stairs at 14 months
Matt good shot of the boy 'come and get it if you can catch me you bum'

allergie season I just about got nailed on the bike today, I am in a daze ...... and feel like a piece of dog poop laying in the lawn
Phone the socialists in NJ and they informed me that they shorted my income tax refund because they decided to circumvent state law and claim my taxes. Had to go through a supe to get them to acknowledge and abide by the state tax code and reinstate my refund. Doesn't surprise me considering the state has a defecit of about 4-5 billion or so...

Here's a novel idea - stop attempting income redistribution and you'll solve your budget issues!
quote from mkloby - stop attempting income redistribution and you'll solve your budget issues!

They're tryin to. Went after some politicians who had no show jobs and kicked them out ...then gave everybody a 20% reduction in property taxes. of course my school tax just went up 25%! whooo-hooo!
Adler join the club, been too windy here as of late, just about fell off my bike yesterday into heavy traffic as my head just about aired completely out. I hate this stuff, more like a frickin head cold really coughin up all sorts of odds and ends ..... neato
I have to do a crud load of work in order to finance my trip to a air show over the weekend. Also, I had to learn about a place that is more French than France, Quebec! Halfway through the lecture I was banging my head on the table at the sheer stupidity of some of the things.
Mind numbing. He's even better acquainted with military tactics and doctrine than members of the armed forces. Just another know-it-all. It's always the professional students that are like that!

I think I know what you mean... I was once hanging in a French WWII forum which administrator was a student in History in a University somewhere in France.

In a thread (started by a Belgian, if I remember well (the only Belgian on the forum, by the way)) that was titled "WWII Battles", the thread starter was inviting us to post summaries of the greatest battles of WWII. I went first by writing down a great text (well, at least I think it was great) about the Battle of Britain.

Then, that University freak I was talking about earlier started to argue on several details. Later, after several posts, it got a little off-topic and we started to talk about other conflicts. He was saying how French forces almost won the war in North Africa on their own by holding the German long enough to allow the British to better their defence in an important city (I think it was El Alamein, but I'm not sure), how it was a bad idea for the RAF to bomb Dresden, that it was a good idea to send a non-Free French Forces assault on Dieppe even if it was De Gaulle's idea, etc... He then said how De Gaulle was great by "calling the French to resist against the Germans" and how it was a good idea for him to bitch the Americans so they would not become American minions like the UK, Canada, Australia, etc...

He also said how France was a soooooooooooooo better country than the US and all the typical French bullsh*t.

After passing something like two weeks arguing with him (and after nearly getting banned), I decided to leave the forum for good.

Also, I had to learn about a place that is more French than France, Quebec! Halfway through the lecture I was banging my head on the table at the sheer stupidity of some of the things.

Why ? You're planning a trip to Québec ?
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