What annoyed you today? (1 Viewer)

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i've just remembered what it was that really annoyed me today! getting marked down in my science coursework and only getting 92% in my history coursework because we were told to stick to the word limit, then the day before it had to be in we were told it's not that important but it was too late to re-write with the extra detial that would've got me the higher marks, that seriously, seriously pissed me off............
Yeah but its still an A*, and because its only worth 25% of the final grade the extra few % aint gonna make much, if any difference...I dont see it being a problem for you anyway you'll get A* in the exam no problem.
change is a good thing boyz ............fighting allergies which is always something to look forward to early spring and early fall.

life is good, play hard !
Adler I think the westher all over the world is pretty screwed up now, we werew suppose to be sunny for 5 days.............ah now just changed to rain/wind for 10 days ........... every day something new
I took a day's sick leave because of...well...sickness.
But I also have a nasty bout of gas to go along with it. I can't stop farting. I'm in agony here people!!

Uh..uh-oh...Oh, here comes another one. It's gonna be big too.

...Woah brother, that was nasty! Poo, Jesus!
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