What annoyed you today? (1 Viewer)

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I blame the US with there lazy people that does not want to work and then get people from other countries pay them shit and treat them like shit and expect them to work like slaves.
Who the fuck pissed in ur Wheaties??? They better work better than slaves, cause they're gettin paid.......

Oh, and BTW, I think u posted this in the wrong thread... U blame my home country, the USA, the land I've bled for, for what???
well, those u are talking about are Filipinos, no matter how low a position u are there u will still get much higher salary than here
Well South Africans are hard working people ( not the lazy stupid sun of a bitches who does nothing ) and they would work in the US and UK because 1 pound is worth 10.60 rand and 1 $ is 6.30 Rand here so to bring back $ or pounds are great for makning something for yourself as a youn person.

dude, it is easier to give $20 than PhP1000, and $20 is more! and to believe that $1 used to be less than PhP10 here?

and dude, they aren't lazy, those Overseas Filipino workers have to go there cause they want to work there, and it also helps the Economy
and dude, if they have enough money to pay those immigrants they have the right to be lazy when they can, they worked even harder to get to that level when u can pay them (in the case of this country, that is really hard with 3 times less salary)
I went to the mall with my mom and ALL THE f*CKIN GAMES IM LOOKING FOR MY PS2 ARE ALL F*CKING OUT OF STOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looking at that screenshot again it makes me feel drunk all over again. Dam and driving home on a bike lifting someone on the handels is not to be adviced.

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