What annoyed you today?

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plan_D said:
If you don't get enough sleep it makes you more tired, CC. And nothin' annoyed me.

But I sleep like the preverbial baby... Which is a phrase Ive never understood cos from my experience babies dont sleep all that well

Ummm having nothing to be annoyed about has annoyed me today.
the news media covering the terrible tragedy in the southern USA - mining accident. first reported last night before I headed off to Zzzzzzzzzzzz land that the miners exccept for one were alive and then waking up that they were all dead except that one is almost comatose. No confirmation that anyone had seen the miners upright walking or laying down exhausted or even passed away, just a rumor that they found 1 miner and then it flew right up into the govenors mouth, and then the media in all their warped glory started to make news instead of reporting it.............fools

all I can say is I hope this wakes up the media that they need to get with it and get confirmation before they report something like this whether good or bad. They are all B.S.ers anyway and it hasn't changed since Nam.
*Smirk* Cant wait for the comment from les on this one.

Ummmm my friend got the phone that I want for christmas. Id get one but I need the money for car
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