What annoyed you today?

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Pisis :

Sadly I think Sharon is a goner,even if he regains consciousness and can see and talk he will never be able to hold the position again. the peace process is at a standstill and probably will be for some time although the Palestinians don;t give a rats ass what happens as they want Israel blown off the face of the map.

what gets me today is trying to log onto this site as it seems incredibly slow today. hackers again ?
Lets see what annoyed me PC trying to control how I run my aircraft at work. They need to stay in there office and wait for me to ask them for help not vise versa.
using too much moisturiser.........

i proberly better explain this one my doctor prescribed me some special cream for for skin as i've got some Exsthma (sp?) realted skin problem..........
Waking up to have to put up with my dad bein' wasted - so I'm gettin' wasted to join him.
I'm in no way negative toward my fellow human beings. Nor am I negative at the moment in any way, shape or form. I'm a nice child with a lot of love to hand out to the masses.

Adler, feel free to step in with the alarm...
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