What annoyed you today?

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head out on your favorite two wheeler man and soak up the rays ~ sunshine, rain sleet hail, whatever, it will burn it out of ya. I am wrestling with the ribs but I am heading out now for a hard fast 20 miles on my bike in the SW winds and is it blowing and wet ............ I will not be defeated !!!!!!!!!!!

back in a few gents . . . . . .
I say this out of respect 2 Eagles............get on your bike, and ride a few miles every day and build up your inner strength. Do not take this at all wrong you or anyone on this forum but it will change your life for the good. had I not been a fitness nut, and yes it has been many moons I have been a climbing/biking/hiking fool; had I not I would be dead. plain and simple . . . .........
You are right, of course, Erich, and I thank you kindly for your words.
I am going to be making some changes, having stopped doing half
marathons six years back I have indeed let myself slide and need to get
my bottom back into gear...Stay tuned!
Actually this happened on Friday.

My daughter was sick so I stayed home while my wife went work.

While we were watching TV, I saw my first TeleTubby's show.

I was disturbed by it.... very weird. I wonder if an LSD trip is like that.
Sys that **** is the worst you can ever watch on TV, that and Barney. Just the thought of it.

Sick of the crap I have to put up with to make someone els rich and work 7 says a week, chrismas and new years day. oh wait we will not be working then, I will be to drunk to be able to. Ha ha ha........
My kids are going to be watching the cool stuff that I grew up with... GI Joe, Transformers, Voltron, and the likes. This crap w/ men dressed up as weird creatures talking about love is ridiculous.

Got double billed for power by the electricity racket down here in south Texas - home of some of the most expensive electricity in the united states.
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