What Annoyed You Today?

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I hurt my foot that I had a opp done on 3 years back due to my f*cking dog and his "toys". The problem is that the foot has one muscle missing and I can hurt it by just one little wrong step.

Well crutches here we come again.
Moving house! Well, it's wasn't so much that, it was the fact I had to drag every last one of my worldy possessions up five flights of stairs, single handed, in the middle of the day. Still, I didn't break anything, although I haven't unpacked my models yet........
Wait until tomorrow before saying you didn't break anything... You could have some serious back pain...

I know because I did approximately the same thing last year when I helped my sister to move to her new condominium... I woke up the next day with back pain for months ! I should never have carried her "portable" dish washer on my own... God damn... that thing was heavy... And they dare to call it "portable"...
First rule of Best Friends. (1) Never help them move.

Sheer utter lack of enthusiasm by an underling. Cannot figure this dude out. He's about to throw away a $100k/year job over a complete inability to self manage himself. Dumb@ss.
Having to run my department at work. It's not that I mind, its the fact I am doing the same job as our Specialists would, but for significantly less pay

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