What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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A lady backed into my Jeep today. What was her excuse? "I am so sorry! I was not paying attention?"


Oh well... **** happens.
Well my weekend was a mess. My one friend got wasted and was really sick, the girl I was with wanted to stay longer so I did, but I got in a whole bunch of **** when I got home just past 6 am and got very little sleep in. The last thing is that woman are evil in a certain way, they love playing mind games with us men.
Headin' in to the backcountry for a few days at the old Ranger camp. No people, phones,or hassles. Just miles and miles of woods, lakes, fast-running water and my old canoe. Gonna be a real drag sippin on a nice, smoky single malt while the trout sizzle over the fire and I wait for the stars to come out...Can'tcha just hear the loons and coyotes callin' across the lake?

It's gonna be rough...

Been trying to remove a damaged memory socket from a system board. Several mounting pins will not come loose. Solder will not melt around the pins, tried every trick I can think of and they still will not budge.
Dynamite is the next thing I'll try!!!
what annoys me is ...KARMA! I just had to gloat about my fishin' trip...So I drive 60 miles to my Dad's place in the sticks, and when the other guys get here...NO KEY TO THE F***IN' GATE (the camp is 23 klicks past the gate). My old man lent it to a guy...and he's in Halifax watchin' the goddam hockey tournament! So now I'm persona non grata, ie, the dumbass...And the old man has...shudder...DIAL-UP!

I still went fishin', tho. Caught 3 nice ones and saw bald eagles, pileated woodpeckers, and a fox. at least I think it was a fox...it was hard to see thru the blackflies...

Yesterday, a B25 flew over our house, I heard it, but couldn't see it (my wife could, and yes, she knew what it was ) Today a Spitfire flew over my house and again I didn't see it. Hopefully I have better luck next time.
What annoyed me?????

Nothing annoyed me! Instead something pissed me off!!!!

So after work today, me and my wife are driving my Jeep to a local beer garden to meet some friends and socialize. Anyhow all of a sudden I get a noise coming from my car. I think to myself "Oh well, we are allmost there. As soon as I get there, I will pop the hood and take a look."....

....30 seconds later the noise is gone.

Great right?


Guess what else is gone?

Power Steering!

You know what that means? The belt is broke!

I pull off the side of the road and pop the hood and sure eneogh the belt is wrapped up on the ground. The tensioner pully had a rim break off and the belt came off!

Damn I am pissed! I wanted to drive to Munich tomorrow with my wife and see the Munich zoo!

What am I doing now instead. Going and buying a pulley and a belt so I can fix my car!

Damn it!

Oh well better here in town, than on the Autobahn to Munich. Atleast it is a cheap and easy fix.

a REAL MAN wouldn't even notice that the power-steering was kaput. Maybe you oughta' let the wife drive...

a REAL MAN wouldn't even notice that the power-steering was kaput. Maybe you oughta' let the wife drive...

Excuse me as-shole???

Do you know anything about cars? If you try and drive a car without the belt you will overheat the engine and destroy it!

The Powerstearing loss was just how I knew what the problem was before I even popped the hood!

So do not even try to go there.

Maybe you should shut your pie whole...
Wasn't enough that my U/16 team was getting beaten today in basketball, the opposition started being smart about it. I really hate bad sportsmanship by teams that are winning and better and then rub it in your faces....

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