What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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crushed my index, middle and ring fingers on both hands at work today. ****ing section rollers will be the death of me I swear :) Oh well at least I got the rest of the day off.
Awoke to the fire alarm 3:30 This morning due to the fact that idoits down on the 3rd floor fell asleep cooking and decided instead of opening their windows to fan the door into the hallway, sending enough smoke to trigger the entire complex's alarms and send a Box assignment to DCFD. Standing outside counting firetucks pull in and waited for them to check everything out (Beofre we knew what happened) Got back up home at almost 5am wide awake with a full day ahead of me.
Of course the fact that i went to bed at 2:30 didn't help and the salt in the wound is the automated voice on the loudspeaker is the same as Big Gay Al's on Southpark.
You alright SE?

Me I got a prank call at 3:30am by some immature teens asking if they had woking me up. Some profanity later I hung feeling furious. Old man isnt sleeping much and they managed to wake him after he got to sleep.
Called my dad in the US and had a long chat with him and went to bed at 4:30 am this morning. Did not sleep very well this weekend so it just made everything worse.
You alright SE?

Me I got a prank call at 3:30am by some immature teens asking if they had woking me up. Some profanity later I hung feeling furious. Old man isnt sleeping much and they managed to wake him after he got to sleep.

Yeah I am now man thanks for asking

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