What made me sad today...

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In 2013, the Minister of Defense decided to further reduce: of the 68 remaining aircraft, only 61 would be considered operational; the remainder would from now on serve as a logistical reserve. The aircraft retained their registration and could be deployed if necessary. One of the goals of this decision was to reduce the number of flight hours per F-16 aircraft that the aircraft would display. In this way it was hoped to reduce the maintenance costs of this aging device. With 68 aircraft, the air force would carry out the work of 61 aircraft. The F-16 started flying 'part-time'.

Of the operational aircraft, 11 are stationed in the US. That is for training new pilots on the F-16: that process must continue for the time being. It is expected that as the JSF enters, fewer and fewer aircraft will be needed for training on the F-16. These devices will then be returned or disposed of.
One I'm my customers that I have worked with since starting my job a year and a half has pasted. It is my first customer to die. He was over 65 living off of his social security and Air Force retirement. He came to us for help getting a new power wheelchair and vehicle modification so he could get a part time job. We were finally at the point to issue the purchase order for the work to Begin he was a pain to work with but a fellow vet.

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