What Annoyed You Today?

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Friend on another Forum took his life yesterday. Left behind a teenage daughter and many friends and admirers that he never met, but left his mark on. I did not really know him that well, spoke via e-mail numerous times, met at a Hunting Expo once where he lent me an expensive set of arrows to test shoot a bow. Even though I did not know him well, I have a heavy heart this Memorial Day weekend.
Rest in Peace Leroy.
At the airport today was watching a biplane approach rather then getting my camera and a pic I stood there like a traffic pylon watching a Waco Taperwing do a flyby and only one :cry:
Not knowing if I should keep the job I have or to get a job that pays more, but I love the job I have now, but my pay is not of the best.

Always choose for the fun first, money second. Remember, at work is where you are 8 hours a day. It's really bad if those 8 hours are a pain. If you want another job, first try to figure out if you'll like it as much as you current job.
Well I will try and find a job for 5 days a week from 9-5 and still keep this job I have now, but I know what you mean mate, but my pay is very little can not survive anymore with everything that went up here.
I'm over 2008.

Riding home today and I came off my bike. Front end snapped sideways and I went over the bars. Right leg is pretty messy and right palm is torn up.

Lucky i wasnt going as fast as i usually do, concrete still hits hard.

Walked about 5kms with a bloody covered leg. F**k it.
I'm over 2008.

Riding home today and I came off my bike. Front end snapped sideways and I went over the bars. Right leg is pretty messy and right palm is torn up.

Lucky i wasnt going as fast as i usually do, concrete still hits hard.

Walked about 5kms with a bloody covered leg. F**k it.

Jesus Alex....thats 3 strikes now....you gonna make it to the Expo to meet me or what!....bikes and pedestrian crossings...buy a tank man,it will be safer..:D
Wayne, he'll be the cripple in the corner. :)

Heinz, I hope your bike troubles get better. I'm thinking of getting one so I can go to work but I don't know now. :)

twisted my knee at work, now I'm on light duty at the busiest time of the year and my co-workers not too happy.
thanks Njaco, its all about timing isn;t it.

You with the busiest time of year, me missing my lecture.
Light duties and missing out on a boring drone sorta make up for injuries though ey? :lol:

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