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Bloody EU regs are stopping the UK firm Airatlantique from carrying passengers on their wonderful DC3's so they are holding a farewell tour
most people who want to fly onboard these planes realise they won't meet EU regs but **** I bet they would all be happy to waive that in writing just to get a trip on what is IMO amoungst (if not the) the greatest planes of all time.

Air Atlantique
Went to the doctor for the knee I twisted last firday. I took an MRI on Sat and we were going to discuss the results. Well, in addition to the contusion for the accident at work, they found a "mass" around my kneecap. Great! Went for X-rays yesterday and going to the Dr. today for consult and to schedule a biopsy.
Still worn out from the extended weekend even though I put in 9 hours of sleep last night. Been fighting to stay awake at work all day today. Need to rest up all week to ready for next weekends plans, 2 day Traditional Archery shoot. that usually has be worn out good for a couple days as well.
Blew out the ankle again last night. Been having problems all Winter and spring with it. Just gets better and I start to test it again and it goes south on me. Must not be doing the right strengthening exercises. Time to see the Doc I guess.
Secondly, had planned on writing an article for a Traditional Archery Magazine on building my own Turkey hunting equipement, home made bow, arrows, Turkey calls, blinds, and calling it Home Made Turkey hunt or something to that effect. Well the issue before last had the exact theme and titled article in it, guy beat me to the punch!!! No big deal, but I had been thinking about it for a while. Have to come up with a new idea I guess. I would liek to have a published article someday, maybe something on hunting with a chronic bad ankle?

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