What Annoyed You Today?

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i've just remembered my broken car wich i cant afford to fix is sitting there with a full ank of diesel costing £75.
then got a letter from the water company saying my meter is broken so my bill has trebled because they havn't been charging me enough.
then i bought a new bed which broke and sent it back but the company say they never recieved it so they are trying to charge me for two beds
Me being a total @sshole last night, but the guy that works with me went out with me and got wasted because of this other @sshole, this one dude that the girl know is being a little smart @ss with me and to put the cherry on the cake I had to wait for people until 4:30 AM and then were told that they will not be taking a lift with me.
Tore apart an HP Tape Backup Storage rack yesterday and now I have almost put it back together, but have two little metal bars left over and I do not remember taking them out and cannot figure out where they would have come from!!!! Left over parts annoy me.
Wish I had a hangover!

The car wont start and had to push the f*cking thing home in the rain up hill. My foot is in a state of shock today and I must walk to work!
Time you were on holidays Henk?

I know mate.

I love someone and she has a boyfriend and I do not want to get involved by breaking up something and cause a lot of sh*t. It makes me feel so low and I do not know what to do how to make me feel better.

I think that I must rather leave it and try my best to move on or do something about it and try my luck.
You said the guy who's dating her is a jerk right ? Then don't think about him, be with the girl if that's what you want, and then if its meant to be she will want to be with you instead.

Nomatter what I really hope it all works out for you Henk (You too Njaco!)

What ever you do, DON'T EVER give up! Muster all you've got for this low period and get back out on the top!
Thanks mate.

I think what you said Soren is the truth. To give up is not worth it, but I will not get between her and him I will rather keep on being there for her no matter what.
Good advice soren :D but just remember henk there are more fish in the sea. Go look at the breaking news thread it will cheer you up:lol:

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