What Annoyed You Today? (2 Viewers)

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Nope, definately a longbow, waiting period is just a coincidence;)

Aching muscles for first weight lifting episode in almost two months. Bad/sore knee. Realizing for the millionth time that it sucks getting older... Bad part is, I'm in better physical shape than I've been in since my teenage years!!!
Watched a great U/14 basketball Grand Final today and our other club team won it with a 3 pointer on the buzzer. Annoyed that my team was not playing...:(
My leave ends today, it was one big f*ck up. The last three days I have been in bed with flu, the cars gear leaver popped out of its socket and my cellphone upgrade could not be processed until the weekend. The mechanic I normally take my car to told me he must replace the part, but when I went to Volkswagen they said it must just be fitted back in and not replaced. Got it done for R261 and they guy did a great job.
Just getting out of bed. The hotel I'm in has real comfortable bed's. I turn the air conditioner to about 70 so it kinda cold in the mornings and I'm all snuggled in bed.
Hell, it is some of the coldest weather we have been getting here in the past 2 to 3 years now and a lot of floods to. The climate has changed a lot since I got here 17 years ago and it is scary to think of it. I freez my @ss of during the evenings, my blanket is in the wash because of the f*cking dog.
being cold when I had to get outta bed this morning and yesterday, 2 degrees yesterday and 3 degress today, oh well at least I can sleep in tomorrow! :)
After almost 10 years of working 8:00 to 1:00 on Fridays, my employer has changes office hours to 8:00 to 5:00. It was a nice run while it lasted. Today is the first Friday after the time change. It has been a long day. Where is the beer?

the girlfriend going too a chinanese auction and she asked me for $ and i said get a 19 year old with big boobs and about 5 feet tall, and she called me a pervert!!!!!! god cant she take a joke ! ok im drinking another beer !!!!
Watching WWII doco's (Marianna's Turkey shoot, today) and seeing 2-5 second clips being repeated over and over again within the show to fill the time allotment....and trying to fool us by reversing some clips so you see the details backwards.:rolleyes:

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