What Annoyed You Today?

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May be true wilbur, but here where I live the fish have a lot of funny stuff, so if you get a great girl you stick with her. Oh yes the breaking news thread is the sh!t!
You said the guy who's dating her is a jerk right ? Then don't think about him, be with the girl if that's what you want, and then if its meant to be she will want to be with you instead.

Nomatter what I really hope it all works out for you Henk (You too Njaco!)

What ever you do, DON'T EVER give up! Muster all you've got for this low period and get back out on the top!
I agree with you Soren...100%! As we say here mate, what's for you, won't go by you....
That is real sad news Marcel and all the best to you and your family in this sad time.

It is pay day and I do not know how broke I will be after everything is subtracted.
Agreeing to go on a ride called the death slide, which is basically a 20 metre or so slide, the first part of which is basically vertical. Instead of doing what a sensible person would do and slide off the top I hopped off and as such missed most of the slope. Day after, my back and neck are rather sore
I was going to post something that was really pissing me off, but now it doesn't seem so important.

Sorry to hear that Marcel. I'm thinking of you and your family during this rough time. God bless.
Sorry to hear that Marcel. My condolences.

Thinking about the 9 months I have to wait before my new Longbow I ordered is built and in my hands!!!

Bucky, you sure thats a long bow and not a long BOY!!! :)

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