What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Well, I won't bother you guys about the cat anymore. She's stil missing. Got a call from some lady who said she has seen her, but when my wife arrived she wasn't there. Well, we'll just wait, I guess

I think you took me the wrong way. :D Please keep us informed about your cat. I was just saying MY cat has a real personality and wakes me up etc.....thats why he annoys me:D :D

As for me a car went through a red light when I was crossing the traffic lights:evil:
"As for me a car went through a red light when I was crossing the traffic lights"

Were you on a bike?

EDIT: Never mind. Just realized that you were on foot...Doh!
I know Wayne :shock:

Yes i was crossing on my bike. I ride on a bike trail to technical college. Seems he missed two sets of lights.
Having to come back to the rat race, congested traffic, and work after 5 days in a small, quiet town in Southwestern Minnesota. Got a headache, beginnings of a cold and every muscle in my body aches after hiking in the woods and climbing and slipping down numerous bluffs and hills. Sore body is worth the experience of the 5 days though. Hated coming back to the cities though.
Realized that starting tonight I will be working through the weekend and on the holiday and then - on my day off - court is scheduled for a big case. Won't see a free day until next Thursday and then only for one day.
Marcel I was just going to post don't give up hope. I've known cats to be missing for months. Just last week I reunited a cat with the owner - was missing since Aug 2007. Glad to hear shes back!

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