What Annoyed You Today? (5 Viewers)

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Didnt win the auction on ebay over a book that I really want for my Mosquito Beaufighter build...!

So, if anyone has one or two of this book and is willing to part from it or one, for a decen't sum....118 quid on amazon.co.uk!!!!....and I'm NOT paying that!:shock: :|


  • Mosquito Datafile.jpg
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Sorry, Jan. I haven't got that one, and my other good references are loaned out at the moment. I've got some other bits and pieces, but it's probably stuff you've already seen. Have at look at the 'Mosquito Bomb Aimer...' thread under 'Aviation Photos wanted', by Stirling 01, there's a new book there that I've mentioned, which is aimed primarily at modellers. It might be useful.
Just thought, Jan. Have you tried that site that Paul (Micdrow) got the details for? It maybe there for downloading, if you can figure out how to get past the first page! It's in Russian, not one of my strong points, but it seems to have loads of stuff, from the bits I've waded through.
Right this really pissed me off today

Brought some new headphones off of trademe on the 1st of this month.They turned up and typical even though branded as Samsung headphones ,they were crap and cracked within about 10min and then they were sounding different

So I emailed him saying can I return them.He replied saying I'm happy to give you a replacement ,but my brother who I brought them for decided to get a new phone so hence they'd be useless,so I asked for a refund this I waited a week for a reply and didn't get one so I gave him negative feedback on the trade

he then gave me negative feedback stating that in the email where he offered a replacement he also offered a refund this he didn't do and is lying

What it was is hes a f**king tosser and didn't want to give me a refund

The Good part is it was only $15 loss but that still pisses me off
Worked under the truck for a while Saturday. Neck and shoulders are stiff as a board the last couple days which in turn has given me a massive headache. Also did not get to make my home-made wood cooked Pizza this weekend as I ran out of time due to wrenching on the Truck most of the day Saturday. Was too lazy too cook on Sunday.
I meant no offense the the real Weasels in the world by comparing Mr. Reid to them;)
All that guy has to do to pi$$ me of is start opening his mouth as I know something foolish will be coming out shortly.
Wife springs on me as she is walking out the door, "oh by the way honey I forgot to tell you that I have a Bunko party this evening". Great. My day off and I get to spend it shopping for her "dish" she's taking, cooking it for her, running the kids to soccer and cooking dinner while she's partying.

Think that there is a role reversal here?


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Our Aquarium sprung a leak today and all the water spilled out over our hardwood floors. Fortunatly we have insurance for such a thing and if the floor has to be replaced, it will be paid for.
Our Aquarium sprung a leak today and all the water spilled out over our hardwood floors. Fortunatly we have insurance for such a thing and if the floor has to be replaced, it will be paid for.

Hope you didn't lose any fish?

what annoyed me today hmmmm...I have to go to school in an hour

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