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Dang pickup truck blows the #7 spark plug out of it's threads every two weeks or so. Also have a slow Coolant loss somewhere that I can't figure out. Original thought was a leaking head gasket leaking into the Cylinder that blows the plug, but I see no other evidence of a bad gasket (no rough running, plug looks pretty clean).
what colour ius the oil
Haven't checked that yet, that's on the list of things to do. Hopefully it is clean as that repair could be costly. Hoping it is just a worn thread on the particular cylinder and the leak is coming from the water pump. I don't see any puddles of anti-freeze under the truck so I suspect it is being burned up somewhere.
Does not show any other issues when running though, Idles and accelerates fine, don't see any white smoke or excessive water at the exhaust so I don't thinks there is a major leak anywhere. Will have to borrow a compression tester and see if there is a loss of compression on that cylinder.
Was going to suggest a compression test; PB is right though, check the oil for emulsification, a sure sign of coolant ingress, as I'm sure you know. The plug blowing out on start-up could be caused by the position of the piston when the engine is shut down, especially if it doesn't happen every time. Let's hope it's only worn threads. But, check that coolant leak; have you tried adding 'Radweld' (don't know what it's called in the 'States) or a raw egg to the radiator? Nearly always works!
PS, just remembered, on the V8 fitted to Land Rovers/Range Rovers (basically the original GM design), similar faults could occur after hard off-road use, like trialling, expeditions, competitions etc. Seem to recall it was something to do with the breather being blocked, and / or the oil filter, sometimes the oil pump also, being dirty/blocked. Just a thought!
Lucky you have staff. We have a shortage so bad I was stuck in the office yesterday for 8 hours - no breaks, no lunch, couldn't even take a piss!! And they refuse to hire anybody!!! Wait until a dog bites a politicians kid and nobody can respond!!
Tablesaw got angry and threw some wood back at me

My thumb copt it

blood made a bloody mess all over my work
Dealer wants a minimum of $250 to re-thread the digned up spark plug hole on my truck. Found a tool called a Back Tap that can rethread the plug hole and not leave any metal filings in the cylinder, cost $50, Will try that myself.
Have checked the oil and no coolant there thankfully. Have done some Googling of the problem and looks like others are having similar problems. Either the Head Gasket or Intake Manifold Gaskets are developing slow leaks when the engine is warm and the little coolant that leaks it burned off before it can reach the ground. Other people had issues with the waterpump gasket wearing out.
Dang truck is starting to cost me, can't afford a new one now either.
Know what you mean, Buck'. I replaced my old Range Rover with a Jeep Cherokee 4 litre Ltd. Special about three years ago (not a new one!), and it is at present having work done that is costing more than the vehicle is worth!
The emission laws here are tight, and it failed its M.o.T. (annual check) on a number of small things, plus emissions. Everyone thought it was this and that, did the work, still had the problem. It was the b****y cat!
Total bill, over £750 ($1350 US) down the drain for a car!
Yep, I know of Helicoils. Wanted to avoid them if possible. May pull the head off anyway so I'll just use a regular old tap the re-do the threads first. Hopefully that's all it needs. It feels like it's just slipping on the first few outer threads and then catches on the innner threads and tightens down.
The Back Tap looks to work pretty slick though. You put light grease on it to catch the metal and carbon particles, then slide it into the plug hole. Then you tighten it up, which expands the thread cutters into the existing thread. Turn the whole thing counter-clockwise and it cuts the new threads, or touches them up as the too is being turned out. Any shaving will come up with the tool rather than back into the cylinder.
109, sounds like the mini-Corsair has already drawn first blood? Sorry to hear about the thumb.

Yeah man its kicking the sh!t out of me

about half an hour later I was drilling and the drill bit slipped .Finger next to my thumb copt that one

I think my machines are getting angry at me cause they're being used past thier usual bed time
The postman just delivered the latest Spitifire Journal, autumn 2008 soaked with (rain)water. All pages sticking together. Very annoying. Have asked the Spitfire Society to send me a new one. Hopefully they do.
It's friday and the end of the holidays and I've got to study heaps this term and I've got to waste 6 hours a day at a very boring thing called school

Man How depressing!!!

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