What Annoyed You Today?

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Something similar happened to me at a car wash. A panel broke loose and started flailing about, beating the car ahead of mine as well as mine. There was nothing we could do. We were locked on a track that pulled us through the car wash. Shockingly, the guy in front of me just drove off. My car wasn't worth the trouble to fix, so I just asked for a $50 gas card.
Obviously, you've got a solid insurance claim. Best wishes.
Well it wont be actually "insurance" the garage is part of a big UK supermarket chain, they are bigger than many insurance companies and cover such things themselves, just a matter of how much it costs, if it is over 250 pounds (around 300 US) then the claim has to go above the manager I spoke to. Total PITA to be honest.
Ask your tech to change your email to Thunderbird - I have been using it for ten years to control all my email - work, family, social (I am or was secretary to several groups) and it is trouble free as well as free
No matter what you d with MS365, it alllllwayyyyys rears it's ugly side.
Responded to an email from My tech support. MS365 prevented that from happening!
F'n Bill Gates........................ Go feck yourself BG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We did that too..................
But MS in BilGates infinite wisdom has decided Win11 will Never Forget.
I do not recommend downloading Win11
unless you Do want to pay $$$$$ for more memory in cloud
because you Will run out of Free memory.
Annnnnd, you want to pay 130$$$$$$ bucks a year for MS265!!!!!!!!
Perhaps not necessarily annoying but more like amusing, went to St. Pete (FL) yesterday to an auto restoration shop that really touts itself as high quality for an estimate on a new project car.


High quality my ass, I was told (rather bluntly) that it would run over $80,000 USD, paint alone would be ~$35,000 USD.

Now I've been in the car culture all my life, and they did have some really nice examples of their work, but that's not happening. Prices are getting crazy but come on.

To my credit, I didn't laugh in their collective face (I guess with age does come some wisdom). However I may have dropped some rubber on their nicely painted parking spaces when I left, so I guess you only get so much wisdom.
We had a shop on the airport that mainly dealt with Cobras, originals and not replicas. Wasn't unusual for a paint job to be in the 30-50K$ range. Easy to do when you have 6-700 manhours into the prep, paint and finish out work.
I understand the frustration with restoration prices, but a good quality paint job alone starts at about $8K, and that is just the starting point. Most shops charge $100+ an hour for work so if you have 500 hours into the restoration at $100 an hour that is $50K in Labor alone. Remember you have to include the disassembly time, properly documenting and storing the removed parts that are to be reinstalled, the actual repair, prep and paint work, and the reassembly and cleaning. It adds up fast. Plus the cost of any sheet metal panels, and paint, and prep supplies, plus in today's world disposal fees.

Its not a road to go down if you plan on making money on the other end for most cars. Unless its a very rare and sought after car, it is usually much cheaper to but one already restored. I know, I usually do all the work but the actual Paint and final prep for the paint myself, and its still an expensive hobby.
Must say, I think people shouldn't run around with that amount of cash. Imagine getting robbed at such an instance, or getting into an accident involving fire. Or someone defrauding you or making a mistake and claiming not to have received the money.
My students were working on poster boards on the regions of the United States. I put two up. I had just finished hanging the third one when slipped and fell on my right side. I couldn't hear out of ear for around five minutes. My poor kids were all scared. I ended up coming home and just laid out. My upper left side hurts like hell. If its not better by Saturday, I will go in and get some X-Rays. I hurt something bad.

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