What Annoyed You Today?

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They do hear what you say. They may not do it. I gave my daughter some advice and then left it alone. Years later, I said it again with this response, "I know, Dad, you told me that two years ago.."
Once, decades ago, my daughters (only two of them then) were coming to my apartment for the weekend. When they phoned to come, the younger when asked about school, responded, "I have a math test tomorrow I'm going to fail." My response was to bring the math book and we will pass the test. While they were in the swimming pool, I learned new math from page one. Later when study began, it was determined the test would be on the the three previous to date chapters. We did problems, with me using real math to check answers, until she could answer any problem given. We then went to the extra problems in the back of the book for these three chapters. Success. I then asked if her teacher was sneeky about test problems. With a yes answer, I told her I was always told I was responsible for any questions from chapters already covered, so we covered more problems. Then I told her since her teacher was sneeky, we learned the next two chapters to come.
I told her that there was no math problem she couldn't solve, so Monday when I would call to hear results, I expected she would have 100% on the math test.
Monday's after school call:
How was the math test?
I passed Dad!
Wait - what do you mean you passed? You should have a perfect score.
I just answered enough to pass and turned it in. I didn't miss one problem.
This is the daughter who taught me to choose my responses carefully.
The neighbor girl's dog had puppys and daughter #2 raced in and said the puppys were for sale.
"We aren't buying a puppy."
The next night, just after dark, the neighbor girl appeared at our door. Daughter #2 explained they only have one left and it's only a dollar.
I said we're not buying a puppy.
After a run to the door and back, the announcement was "It's only fifty cents!"
I told you we are NOT buying a puppy!
The door closed and my daughter arrived with a small furry thing and said, "It's free, Dad!"
Sh*t, that had to hurt!
No hurt. I explained that as soon as we went to bed and the lights were off, the puppy would begin to cry for it's mother. Since daughter #2 had taken the pup, it was her responsibility to take care of it.
As soon as the lights were off, the howl began and little feet ran into the hallway and quiet resumed.
I have a picture of my daughter and puppy asleep together in the hall.

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