What Annoyed You Today?

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Probably not the same storm unless it went West instead of East.
109, always, I repeat alway wear eye protection while working with any type of grinder or power tools. I had an eye injury several years ago, was whipped in the eye by a small branch of a tree. Scratched my eye very deeply and it kept getting torn in my sleep, took over a year to fully heal. Even had to spend and entire 36 hour period in the dark once as the light hurt so bad I couldn't stand it.
Better safe than sorry. Hope it's out of there as I know how much eye pain can hurt.
Hope your eye is all better now Buck! Never really had a problem with tools, always took safety first. The only time I can think off was when I was ten, I stepped on a nail. I was screwing around with my brother, chasing him around our new garage. Wasn't paying attention, and stepped on the bloody thing sticking out from a discarded piece of wood.
My eye is fine now, other than needing reading glasses. Just trying to point out to our young friend, 109, how important eye safety is when working with power tools. Hard to shoot down those Zeke's and Zero's in his homebuild Corsair with only one eye.
Glad your alright Buck ,Yes eye safety is VERY important as proven by me

What annoyed me today: I have to stay home and take care of 2 of my sisters ,one 3 years the other 8months

Very annoying ,I'd panned to go to golf with a mate
Well, it wasn't today, but it annoyed me anyway...

There was a bunch of teens making their Xmast party at the place where I work. One of them (who was already mentally sick) decided to swallow 6 of her pills for depression and mix it with alcool.

Ouch... Do I need to tell you that the ambulance was called in pronto ? And who had the task to take her from the party to the "evac zone" ? The security officer, and it was... ME !

All went well until she saw the ambulance and the police car waiting for her. Damn... They had to be both of the cops and both of the paramedics to successfully attatch her to the stretcher.

Now, the fun part was that both cops were about 6 feet and 200lbs... as well as both paramedics. The girl was about 5 feet and 120lbs !

I was then told by one of her collegues that she was depressive with schizophreniac (spelling ?) tendencies.
Well, if I was home I could do it for you... But I'm not.

I suppose you don't have a program like ACDSee, eh ? Resizing a picture in Window's Paint is next to impossible, so what I propose is you import that picture in a Microsoft's Word document, resize the picture and save the picture's properties (if I remember well, there is an option like that in Word 2003).

And if you don't have Microsoft's Word... Then I'm out of ideas.
Started Christmas shopping last night at the local mall. I hate shopping!! Was accousted by three of those retailers that set up thier sales booth in the middle of the walkways in the Malls.
I usually stay way to the side of the walkways and not make eye contact as to avoid them, but this year the malls were pretty quiet and the sales-accousters were pretty aggresive. I liested to thier pitch and said not interested.
New tactic is to just keep walking, even if they step in front of me like two of them did yesterday!

Reminds me of Milan when I went to Italy after graduation, those guys were aggresive, getting right into face. I found that throwing you arm between you and they guy worked well.
Reminds me of Milan when I went to Italy after graduation, those guys were aggresive, getting right into face. I found that throwing you arm between you and they guy worked well.

Yeah, give them a good stiffarm and knock them down They do seem to be more aggresive this year, I'm sure from the lack of shoppers at this particular mall and many people doing thier shopping via the Internet these days.
Gonna do battle with them again after work today.
Have fun Buck, stay strong, they can smell fear!

Funny story: in Milan, the dealers that approached me were a group of Africans, saying in English, "Free". I thought the bracelets they were giving out were free, until I realized they meant "Free Africa". A buddy of mine gave one of the dealers ten bucks American, p!ssing the guy off.

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