What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Well, it could be worse as you could be unemployed;(

Started walking/running at the indoor track again yesterday, legs are unaccustomed to that surface. Have an all over body ache this morning. Last nights 2 hour walk mangaged to wear off all the skin on the back of my right foot again!!! Not too painfull, but it's a little wierd to be able to feel your pulse on the back of your foot againts my shoe.
Just found out a friends Wife has something called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) which is causing 27/7 leg pain. From what I've read about the disease it can lead to muscle attorphy and since she is a very active person it could put a damper on her outdoor activities.
She has seen the Doctor 2 time this week so far, with a third visit this Friday. Looks like surgery around Christmas;(
Hope that it helps her.

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