What Annoyed You Today?

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Been there, done that, and divorced twice! (According to the late comedian Sam Kinison, that qualifies me to be a tour guide in hell!)
View: https://youtu.be/lhiWwa69YBg

That's why I dropped the blade. We lived together for six years, but thankfully I had the sense to not marry her. I realized long ago that I'm not marriage material, and if I gotta leave I damned sure don't want lawyers involved.

Had to represent myself in court to defend my rights as a father, but figured I'm never going there again. I'm an outside cat. I didn't leave my son and I never really stopped loving his mom, but I wasn't doing that tour of duty in hell again.
Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that half my household will be moving out over the next 6 weeks. My younger daughter is leaving for college, her older sister is moving into her own apartment as she relaunches after three years. My #2 son will be going on an extended overseas deployment with his Guard unit, not returning until next summer. It'll just be me, the Missus, and our youngest son. It's going to take some getting used to.
On the bright side, I should see some savings on groceries, the water bill, the energy bill, and I can downsize our trash bin.

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