What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Update: Carlos is still now a senior dog but has found the love of his life again. Meaning of course food. He does not want his old favo grub, chicken, but tribe is now the number one, in any form. As is liverwurst. Now a good point is, i may, can and most certainly will, spoil him silly. He lost quite a bit of mass. Drinks by him self which as one can see is very important. Still a bit wobbly a bit but will go out for a bit of leg stretching etc.
He seems quite happy again.

Thank all for the reactions. It helped.
Doctor said blood pressure is up and A1C still high. She wants me to come in again in three months. She is putting on BP medication. Today, my two youngest doing their best to drive it up some more.
Doctor said blood pressure is up and A1C still high.
Hey, I take my BP every morning and it was kinda high, 149/71, while yesterday it was something like 117/59. But I am sure that is due to waking up at 0400 and worrying about that hurricane.

They gave me some BP medicine one time and I took one pill as instructed. I took my BP at 2100 that evening and found it was 105/55, decreasing to 95/50 with subsequent readings. Lower BP is better but I am pretty sure that 0 is bad. I quit taking the medicine.

Hyptertension is hereditary. You can get it from your kids. Maybe they should take the BP medicine.
Bureau of Meteorology Misinformation again.
This morning being five degrees hotter than predicted (it is 22C already) is another hint that they have screwed up again.

Yesterday - according to them and actual from the thermometer on the east wall of our house under the verandah

Saturday - according to them and according to them at the same time.
Here's my petty peeve of the day.
If you don't want my cash, you don't want my business.
I'm not talking about online shopping.
I'm talking about businesses that force you to pay online rather than accept cash.
So annoying. Especially when my kid can't get into the stadium to watch the soccer tournament because he doesn't have a credit or debit card. Or a smartphone.
Buy the ticket. E-mail or screenshot the ticket. Kid prints it out.
Its all in there. They scan it and your in.
It is about the code on the ticket. Not the ticket it self.
Buy the ticket. E-mail or screenshot the ticket. Kid prints it out.
Its all in the there. They scan it and your in.
It is about the code on the ticket. Not the ticket it self.
He doesn't have a smartphone. Also, the site doesn't accept screenshots or physical tickets.
I am trying to text the link to his flip phone, but he may not be able to open it. (No data).
He doesn't have a smartphone. Also, the site doesn't accept screenshots or physical tickets.
I am trying to text the link to his flip phone, but he may not be able to open it. (No data).
E-mail? , shoot the ticket with another phone be creative. As i said its about the code not the ticket itself
I.g get the ticket in your computer. Make pic with phone e-mail to.

And, until it was outlawed here, Qantas charged you a large card processing fee on top of making it impossible to pay any other way. Pack of despicable rectums. I never paid their fee as I always used the competition in response.
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The amount of deliberate disinformation being spread about FEMA and the recovery efforts from Hurricane Helene. People's lives are at risk and/or they need assistance NOT LIES!!! Those spreading these lies should be ashamed themselves and arguably charged under 18 U.S. Code § 35 - Imparting or conveying false information.

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