What Annoyed You Today? (13 Viewers)

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Had puncture wounds from plant moving in the garden.
Take the bandage off and it tares a bigger patch of skin off than the plants!
Bleeding all over the place................. Blood thinners work great!!!!! F'kn 81 sucks.
My brother and I own a small apartment bldg in SC, one that our grandparents had owned. One tenant moved out and the property mgt company recommended we paint the apartment and replace various items, including the screen door. We said Okay, but it was time to raise the rent to something closer to in line what it should bring, from the current $500/month up to $600 a month. The repair work cost about $4000. Then the property mgt company said that the stove was nonfunctional and irrepairable, dating from the Eisenhower Admin and the refrigerator needed replacing as well, total cost $1800. We said Okay. Then I just got an e-mail from the property mgt company saying that the new tenant is getting rent support from some agency or another - and it seems that mandates that welfare agency do an inspection of their own which revealed various fairly small items that they thought needed attention, adding up to $1250 worth of work, but this would enable the tenant to pay $650 a month.

Do the math. How long will it take for us to break even for all of these upgrades, most of which really did not affect the ability of the apartment to be used?

Oh, and the local municipality is increasing the property taxes from $6900 to $9100.
My dog is ill. Carlos. Started walking like a marine on leave. Doc says it is a thing with big dogs. Vestibulair syndroom.
His smell world collapsed. Nothing in his world is the same. His favorite hobby, eating, he doesnt do because its strange to him.
So now we force feed him with the most fancy food we can find. Drinking is the same.
He is losing body mass fast. In 2 weeks he became a very senior dog. Today it was all a little bit better. He drank on his own. Cancelled a few days with my love. We just dont feel like it eventhough my son would come over. ( those boys are tight.)
It a good boy.
I will do my very best. Thats a promise.
My brother and I own a small apartment bldg in SC, one that our grandparents had owned. One tenant moved out and the property mgt company recommended we paint the apartment and replace various items, including the screen door. We said Okay, but it was time to raise the rent to something closer to in line what it should bring, from the current $500/month up to $600 a month. The repair work cost about $4000. Then the property mgt company said that the stove was nonfunctional and irrepairable, dating from the Eisenhower Admin and the refrigerator needed replacing as well, total cost $1800. We said Okay. Then I just got an e-mail from the property mgt company saying that the new tenant is getting rent support from some agency or another - and it seems that mandates that welfare agency do an inspection of their own which revealed various fairly small items that they thought needed attention, adding up to $1250 worth of work, but this would enable the tenant to pay $650 a month.

Do the math. How long will it take for us to break even for all of these upgrades, most of which really did not affect the ability of the apartment to be used?

Oh, and the local municipality is increasing the property taxes from $6900 to $9100.
Here in MN, you would have to deal with a 3% cap on rent increases as well.
My brother and I own a small apartment bldg in SC, one that our grandparents had owned. One tenant moved out and the property mgt company recommended we paint the apartment and replace various items, including the screen door. We said Okay, but it was time to raise the rent to something closer to in line what it should bring, from the current $500/month up to $600 a month. The repair work cost about $4000. Then the property mgt company said that the stove was nonfunctional and irrepairable, dating from the Eisenhower Admin and the refrigerator needed replacing as well, total cost $1800. We said Okay. Then I just got an e-mail from the property mgt company saying that the new tenant is getting rent support from some agency or another - and it seems that mandates that welfare agency do an inspection of their own which revealed various fairly small items that they thought needed attention, adding up to $1250 worth of work, but this would enable the tenant to pay $650 a month.

Do the math. How long will it take for us to break even for all of these upgrades, most of which really did not affect the ability of the apartment to be used?

Oh, and the local municipality is increasing the property taxes from $6900 to $9100.

You would get that a week for a dump in Australia. The main reason is landlords have taken their properties off the rental market and get more per week using AirBNB. Maybe the same applies in your area.
Neighbor called the Police on me yesterday claiming I was damaging utility trailer and big camper trailer when I mow the lawn, said it was throwing rocks at the sides and causing dents.
I make the point to have the discharge of the mower pointing away from his property when I mow just for that reason. I looked at the dents this morning through the window and they are a good 6-9 feet off the ground on the camper, and one big dent in the small trailer that looks like someone took a hammer to it.
Seeing as they park their trailers 2-3 feet from the property line (city ordinance is 5 feet) I thought that was one magical bunch of rocks that can jump that high off the ground at that distance. Looked at the siding on my house (the direction I have the mower discharge) and I seen no evidence of damage.
Neighbor called the Police on me yesterday claiming I was damaging utility trailer and big camper trailer when I mow the lawn, said it was throwing rocks at the sides and causing dents.
I make the point to have the discharge of the mower pointing away from his property when I mow just for that reason. I looked at the dents this morning through the window and they are a good 6-9 feet off the ground on the camper, and one big dent in the small trailer that looks like someone took a hammer to it.
Seeing as they park their trailers 2-3 feet from the property line (city ordinance is 5 feet) I thought that was one magical bunch of rocks that can jump that high off the ground at that distance. Looked at the siding on my house (the direction I have the mower discharge) and I seen no evidence of damage.
Hang this in a viewable position.


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