What Annoyed You Today?

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Not drinking last night (can't due to meds) and waking up with the biggest fake hangover ever, what the hell, if I'm gonna pay for it I want the fun!
ooh man i feel bad for you vassilli either way my friend asked me to help move and he SAT ON THE COUCH WHILE I MOVED IT

Heh, your friend sounds like a jack@ss, no offense. As for the toliet thing, this isn't the first time it's happened, and probably won't be the last. I'm just p!ssed the ahole didn't use the TP when it was hanging right next to the toliet.
You ought to put clear saran wrap across the bowl under the seat and see what happens. Lesson learned.

I've had a head/chest cold since Weds, and today was the worst. I'm really geared up for this Group Build but today I don't feel like doin' nuthin'! uugghhh!
Temperature is higher than 0°C, so ice is melting. Means, I'm not going to skate for the next week Where have the winters gone that we could do a 100km tour on ice-skates through the country?

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