What Annoyed You Today?

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I just paid and I do not have even n 1/4 of it left. No, I did not spend it all the needed stuff took it all away, but the worst thing is that April has not even started. If I get a better job I will take it even if it is 1000 Rand more. I love my job but I can not work for peanuts all my life.
Today, the "Afghanistan top meeting" annoyed me. Because of security, they closed a big portion of the A4 highway, causing traffic jams all over the "Randstad" (The area with all our major cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the Hague and Utrecht).
And after all this stupid talking and jamming the dutch traffic, the only thing the came out with was: "We have to develop the country". Like they didn't think of this on forehand.

Sometimes I wonder if they really get ANYTHING accomplished.

Isn't it mind numbing! A telecon would have been more than adequate to drop that gem! Actually it's not like they are going to release a lot of details.

What annoyed me... AOPA won't leave me the hell alone with emails and letters. If they start calling, it's on. Where did they even get my info from!
Working every day for the past week, including today, to meet deadlines and it doesn't look like any let up for the days ahead. I'm all funned out.
Are you putting up new wallpaper or painting?
to be determined by the supreme power so I have visions of some silly wallpaper with intricate designs , also had to scrape the paint off the ceiling as the the previous dummy painted latex over oil so its starting to peel
There's no (censored) way, that there are an internet provider that has worse (censored) connection than B(censored)T (censored) Broadband!
(censored) flag (censored) signals is (censored) faster and (censored) more (censored) reliable than their (censored) Victorian (censored) era based speed and quality!

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