What Annoyed You Today?

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I don't think that's the case? Seems to have started happening after I was put on a Statin to help lower Cholesterol. Does not happen all the time, but more times than not when I have had a drink or two. Puts me out of commision with stomach problems for a day or so.
Guess there are worse things to have to deal with in life.
Just read about Macs jaw surgery, hope all goes well, I cringe just thinking about it.
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Ugh..I love to sleep in and for some reason I was under the impression that my appointment with the chiropractor was at 7:30AM when they opened...after getting up and getting ready, I called as soon as they opened and it turns out my appointment is at 10:30.

What a fine morning of rest I missed out on....
Thanks all! As for why, both of my jaws are misaligned, so much so on the right side that my teeth don't meet at all in the back. Also, I have pretty bad under bite. Thankfully, I heal fast, and I have an exceptionally high pain tolerance (thank you paintball, and 7+ other surgeries) so this should be ok.

Annoyed me today: Having to get blood drawn for the pre-op requirements for said jaw breaking.
Got an eye infection which means I have to wear glasses again (which I hate) for the next few weeks. Plus the doctor told me it may leave a permanent mark (although no loss of vision)! So for the meantime I get to look like Harry Potter and get blinded every time the sun is out
I quite smoking and now I am a real @sshole. I am happy that I do not smoke anymore, but boy I miss the calm sensation that the smokes gives me. Phew, now I have to find something else, maybe those fake smokes they sell that gives you the sensation of a cigarette but does not have any of the bad things of a real cigarette.
Achilles is toast again. Coulc barely walk this AM. I think I actually saw little cartoon stars shooting shooting out of it this morning, like the ones you would see come out of a Bugs Bunny cartoon when they had and anvil hit them on the head.
Having a hard time concentrating as the pain is pretty intense.
Don't really want to go see the Doctor for it again as I know he will just tell me to put ice one it, don't walk on it, and want to send me to see a Physical Therapist again, which help a little but not enough to justify my out of pocket expence. Won;t even prescribe pain killers so what's the use!!!
I'll stop whining now! Once again, I know Whiskey and a Chainsaw will cure this problem for good!
Running out of battery with my new DLSR while at Langelinie with a biker buddy tonight...ARGH!!!
Next acquisition on the tech side of life here: A new, extra, longer lasting battery for my cam!
Car broke down last week. Engine electronics went down, cruise control went crazy, brakes didn't feel reliable any more. So I brought it to the garage. Yesterday they told me it was caused by a faulty light bulb in the brake-lights So a broken light made the system go down in the car... Please, I want an old Volkswagen Beetle back. I know it's uncomfortable, but it will work with or without lamp and no %@#$ing computers.

I quit cold turkey in 1988. I have never even taken a puff since. When I quit I was in Las Vegas. Every bartender in the Northwest part of town was begging me to start again and offering me cigs and doobs. They had a problem, I was too good a toker (tipper) to just throw out (and they were tempted) but I had turned into this sarcastic, critical monster..... I know what you are going through Henk, time will do it, just think of the money you are saving.....don't give up the GOOD FIGHT.

I am right now just getting over a 7 day sinus infection. Dark pink bloody liquid has been RUNNING out of my nose every time I bend over (and I am trying to build a greenhouse and planter boxes. What a mess. Now we have been invaded by a large Raccoon. He is either fearless, or deaf and blind because he won't run far or leave even when I fire a roman candle at him or chase him with a stick. He is eating all my black-oil sunflower seeds. Life ain't fair!!

Thanks mate. Yes it is working better and better everyday and my other friend quite with me and we encourage each other not to smoke and do something else. Thanks again for the advice and hope you feel better.

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