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Senior Master Sergeant
May 21, 2009
As the thread title says...

I think I'll go to Copenhagen to see whether or not the latest issues of "Fly Past" and "Aeroplane" has hit the danish magazine stands.
I was planning on going to the Santa Paula airport tomorrow, but my son was up early, and sick. I am hoping it is one of the allergy related things from the winds we have had lately. So I am up nursing two kids. Ah, fatherhood.
Well thinking of my next project,about to make the wife some apple turnovers(8:30am),haircut today and homemade chicken pot pie later by yours truely.
Reading this thread, and watching the snow fall, wondering if I can a) get out of the house later to go to the pub, and b) if I'll be able to walk on the slippery stuff without going base over apex !
Sitting in my PJs, reading this thread while wondering if anyone is interested in reading my recent post on the fate of the FEAF in December, 1941; coming as it does as the result of my last week's intense reading of recently purchased books in a somewhat successful attempt to solve the mystery of what happened there and then. Folks may simply be tired of that thread and have moved on to items of more current interest. My morning's activity is perhaps what one does if one doesn't have a life or is obsessed with winged ghosts. I think I better have breakfast, I feel a sugar-low crash coming on....
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funnily enough, just been browsing the latest Flypast and Aeroplane issues in the local newsagent too, along with Scale Aircraft Modelling, Airfix Model World, Jets, Airliner, Air Modeller, Combat Aircraft, Classic Aircraft, SAMI..and the list goes on and on. I'm thinking how are any of these mags making money, there are so many of them and why don't we have decent mags like Flight Journal or Jet Prop or Avions in this country...

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