What are you doing now?

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Sorry, must have put a little too much Whisky on my Corn Flakes this morning.

What am I doing right now, getting ready for the race to the exit at work, 15 minutes to go.
Sterilising jars to fill from the huge saucepan of mango chutney I made this afternoon from my late mother's recipe.
It would be rude not to taste.....a lot.
Don't worry Aaron - it's probably your local Congressman has dropped his wallet, and they're out looking for it !
Just finished breakfast, am working on coffee and cigarette, listening to WW2-related music: Vera Lynn, Lale Andersen, Glenn Miller, Andrews Sisters, plus various german musical atrocities. :D
Just finished breakfast, am working on coffee and cigarette, listening to WW2-related music: Vera Lynn, Lale Andersen, Glenn Miller, Andrews Sisters, plus various german musical atrocities. :D
D'ya mean marches, or that tecno-crap?
I'm getting the Hellcat ready for the primer coat!

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