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Thinking of something funny... "It was the salmon mouse!"

Lol nose hairs, bah, I pull out every one that I can feel to waggle - and to boot, 9 times out of 10, they don't hurt; mind the one that did..
I'm on here instead of watching Lare Bingle with Annie!!!!!!

Vick, my M-in law swore at me in my house once, ushered her out and told her not to darken my door again.... didn't see her again for 5 years.
Sounds like you have been saved Bill! Lara friggin' Bingle !!! what a waste of space that woman has shown to be....amplified by having a TV show to include a waste of time as well....

Watching Australia v Spain, basketball live at the Olympics.
Yeah, I tried watching it once, just about died when the "expert" informed the world that squatches enjoyed the same kind of jelly doughnut that he did!

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