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We're getting there.
Both of us qualified for the meds treatment.
2 days, Annie did a RAT test and is Neg!!!!!!
She's worn out, me being a male of the species am useless!
I'm still suffering.
Does your Doctor have the ability to prescribe Paxlovid for your Covid? Some friends of mine have contracted it, like you, were all vaxed and boosted. The Paxlovid gave them relief from the Covid. Best of luck and hope you start feeling better.
The side effects of Paxlovid, for me anyway, were as bad or worse than the covid. A recent bout, the only occasion of covid for me since the beginning, was bad headache, severe diarrhea (4days ), joint aches, and fatigue. I then read the info with the meds and found the above symptoms listed. I stopped the pills and was immediately better the next day. Since the covid effects are the same as Paxlovid, how is one to know when cured. If one has been shot, my thought is just treat it like an ordinary cold.
If you got a cut on your finger do not use a blow torch to mend the gap. There are very few medicines that cure. Most take away the side affect so you body can heal it self. Nobody wants to be in dis comfort or in danger but use your head.
I'm enjoying a couple of Yeunglings before drifting off to bed.

As for superglues, I was under the impression that while discovered in the 40s, in the 60s the Army realized they were pretty good for battlefield sutures, and that got interest restarted. They're great for stopping a bleeding cut, because water gets the glue to setting, and blood has a lot of water in it. We used it in the framing shop I managed to address cuts immediately -- until we could get to the first-aid box. That's because we also used it to join plastic frames. You don't bleed on the canvas.
Going by memory (scary, yes), super glue was invented by the engineers at Eastman as a means to set crosshairs.
It didn't work for that purpose, so the concoction sat in a drawer until it's inventor decided to try it on a model kit's canopy (the inventor was a scale modeler!) but he found it "hazed" the plastic and back into the drawer it went.

So super glue had sort of a rough start.
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