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Well, I flew this morning for 32 min. Last time I tried was last Wednesday, and a flight school Piper Warrior was blocking the taxiway so I gave up. This morning they got off early so my plan to fly before them did not work. I was on downwind about to turn base when I heard another one announce he was turning base out there in a huge pattern so far out I could not see him. So I decided it was time it time for a full stop even though things were going very nicely otherwise.
We used to say that students like that were flying B-52 patterns. We had one female student calling that she was turning base at a point almost 5 miles north of the airport. My boss came in well inside her turn, hit high key and put the Mustang he was in, right on the numbers. Taxied in, gave a quick maintenance debrief and hopping into a waiting SF-260 and taxied out with a potential buyer. Once the student finally landed, she came stomping over to our hangar and started to b**tch about the Mustang cutting her off in the pattern. Our accountant asked if she was the twit calling base 5 miles north of the airport, and if so, she needed a heck of a lot of retraining on what a traffic pattern was supposed to be, as she sure wasn't in at that call. We left her in the middle of the ramp with her mouth flapping and went back to pushing the Mustang into the hangar. Never saw or heard her on the radio again.
We used to say that students like that were flying B-52 patterns.
Yes, also known as KC-135 Radar Patterns. A few days ago I watched some poor guy trying to take off in a Cessna 172. The airplanes in the pattern were perfectly sequenced to keep him from taking off and each one used the WHOLE runway on landing. He must have sat there for at least 10 minutes, with a whopping 4 airplanes in the pattern. Normally, I call and tell them I will leave room to let them get off, but not these guys, most of whom don't even speak English very well.

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