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Eastbound and down. Heading home from beautiful Lambert International AirPort, St. Louis, Mo. I got about 5 hours until my flight.
At least I don't have to worry about traffic.

Well damn. Wish I had known. Might have been able to stop by and have some lunch. I was in the office today. My window overlooks the airport. They build the fine F-15EX across the runway from you.

Why were you in STL?
Spent most of the weekend watching bands of wind and rain from TS Debby go through, nothing serious but a LOT of rain.

Of course a band came through just as I was getting to the car to head to the office and I got drenched, not a good way to start the week, especially for someone that is already normally grumpy.
Just a bit of thread drift: The first hurricane I experienced was hurricane Audrey, 1957, and a friend and I went to the Lakefront airport, New Orleans, to see the event. As skinny kids, about 130 pounds, we wore very light Nylon windbreakers and found if we ran into the wind as fast as we could, jumped as high as we could, opened the jackets we could fly about 20-25 feet. Snautzer's post brought it all back.
I'm at home "enjoying" TS Debby (thought it was spelled Debbie?). It is giving us some welcome relief from the summer heat as well as some much needed rain, with not much wind. Saharan dust has been keeping things dry here. I'd like to go over to the hangar and do some work over there, given that right now it is not too hot, but it'll be messy so perhaps after lunch.

Recall a headline from a paper several years ago: "Hurricane Mainly Wind, Rain." Geeze! Nothing gets past those ace reporters!

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