What are you doing today?

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Started laying out plans for a trip next spring -- WWII Museum in New Orleans, onto USS Alabama Museum in Mobile, then Pensacola and the Naval Air Museum there, then to Wilmington to visit the Showboat. On the way home stop in MS to visit Camp Shelby and hopefully say hi to Seth Paridon, or at least put some money in the coffers of their museum.
I last visited the USN Museum about 20 years ago, it was good to see one of my RA-5's still around on outside display! I am sure it has just gotten better in the 2 decades sense my last visit! enjoy the trip!
I mentioned in another post, the outside displays are not generally available. Much has changed in the 20 years you have visited. The only RA-5C BuNo 156624 can be seen through the fence. I wanted to visit restoration hangar, but it was closed. I was told much of what is still behind the resto hangar may be sold or scrapped due to lack of funds. I was told the way to see those unrestored, was to come on a Tuesday when gates are open for Blues practice. The restoration hangar tour needs special appointment, so I don't know what is in it.
My daughter loves cutting the grass. As soon as it gets a little high, she's out there cutting it.The best part is I don't even ask her to do it.
Good, send her to my house! I've got shrubs that need trimming and some trees that need cutting down, too!
Sounds like she'll be in heaven!

...thanks in advance. =)

P.S. Ended up doing a little grocery shopping when I realized I needed a few things that I was gonna pick up a few days ago and never did....guess the lawn will have to wait until tomorrow (or until Viking 1066's daughter shows up...please🙏).
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A little father/son bonding with my youngest. We spent the afternoon repairing the damaged trim around the garage doors to satisfy the insurance company.
My house is emptying out this fall as the twins (25) are relaunching and the younger daughter heads off to college.
I told my youngest that now that he'll be the only one home, he's going to get lots more attention. (And chores. :twisted:)
It's one of those days where I feel like I just got outta bed and all I want to do is take a nap.
Had to get some meds squared away, so multiple trips to the pharmacy.
Past that, today is my birthday and I thought a nice dinner out would be a good way to celebrate, but I'm not in the mood for ANYTHING. I must've spent an hour just driving around in the car saying to myself, "how about.....nah.....oh, how about?!......nah....."
...and I still haven't mowed the yard yet...
It's been "one-of-those-day". Happy birthday to me. :occasion4::occasion6::occasion7::wav:...:facepalm:

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