What Cheered You Up Today?

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I finally got the Anti-Christ (My Dodge Dakota 4X4) working right, my outboard started on the first roll, and tomorrow I can head out to the beautiful beaches, sand dunes, and salt marshes of Cape La Have Island to fix up my camp. If the fog lifts...
Got a small bonus check from work with the paycheck today, will cover the downpayment on a new Longbow.
After work have a reservation to tour the local Brewery that brews some interesting Beer styles. Should get some free samples while on the tour
6 hours left of 7 straight days at work where i've fed 1401 people, which includes 4 weddings, 3 school proms, a chinese banquet and a BBQ !
which totals 2868 plated starters, main courses and desserts plus about 500 buffet plates, i'm officialy knackered but the end is in sight

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