What Cheered You Up Today? (3 Viewers)

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One of the few perks of being in retail slavery is the people I get to meet. Heh. Being across the highway from a Hooters doesn't hurt much, either. Today, I sold a printer to an elderly gentleman who mentioned one he had bought, and was unhappy with, at the BX. Now....only a military man knows what a BX is, so I asked which branch he was with. Turns out he was AAF during "War Two" (as he put it). He went through flight school in.....42 or 43, got picked up as instructor, then after bugging the Powers That Be, he was sent to the Pacific....to fly P-47s. The guy couldn't've been more than 5'6" or so tall, but there he was, a -47 pilot, right in front of me! Of course, I shook his hand, and made a solemn vow to print off every aircraft photo I have ever found on the 'Net, just so I can get autographs. Made my day, though!
Two things today really one for me one for the wife. I found a bargain
Nikon D200 body for half price so although its not my perfect choice I could not turn away so I bought it.
And my wife just got an invite to Buckingham palace for a Royal Garden party on the 9th of next month she has been a nurse and in the red cross for over 30 years so was pick to attend the Red Crosses 100 years celebration.
Just got back from an absolutely wonderful trip to WWII Weekend in Reading PA with Charles and Toughombre and it was fantastic!!!!

Watched 2 Corsairs and an Avenger shoot down a Val - P-40 and P-51 formation flying along with numerous take-offs and landings of a B-17. Pics coming soon!!!!

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