What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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White 14 made its seasons first flight , no cloud no haze and a crap camera


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Finalised travel plans for the summer. On the 10th I fly down to Cape Town from where I take a truck trip through Namibia, Botswana and finish in Zimbabwe (at Vic Falls). Will then spend a day or two around the falls (both the Zambian and Zimbabwe sides) before flying back to Jo'burg on the 1st of July. Then on the 7th I fly to Sydney with a day in Singapore on the way there (the 8th). Then I have 3 days in Sydney before flying up to Cairns to meet up with my parents and brothers where we will do some diving and stuff before flying to Ayres Rock for a couple of days and then onto Perth for a couple more days, flying back to Sydney on the 25th or 26th before flying back to Jo'burg via Singapore and then from Jo'burg back home on the 29th, arriving on the 30th. Should be quite a trip (or 2)...
My workplace just added the Fitness Club I am a member of to thier health benefits packet. So now instead of costing me $40/month membership fees it will cost me a whopping $0.00 as long as I go at least 12 times a month.

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