What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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ah another cricket fan :D:D

Cricket season is still a little way off. I took last season off i feel nice and fresh and raring to go :)
Show me an Ausie who isn't a cricket fan :) Just do me a favour don't mention " The Ashes . " :cry:
Any way back to thread , payrise just kicked in , Yay !!:D :lol:
ditto that!

and just to add - while the site was down I decided to check a few others, mainly one my son goes to.

I will just say thank g*d for this site and its the best!
Hooray for the forum working again!

Yesterday I went and saw Harold and Kumar (wasn't expecting what I got...) and then played street hockey for a couple hours. Then today I'm going golfing with a couple friends.
On another note....I was being tail gated by some dipsh*t the other day, 95 in a 90 zone, the idiot then blew by me like I was standing still....then a police car went by me and the idiot didn't see him as he passed into a 60 zone and not slowing down he went around a bend......seconds later I passed the moron....stopped by the police car on the side of the road..:lol: :lol: :lol:
The site being back online. The Sharks winning to hit the semi's of the Super 1 and the Bulls finishing on a high as well...

Oh yes mate, thank the lord that the Stormers is out.:lol: The Sharks kicked them out. The Bulls proved that they will not just lie down without a fight.

Hope the Sharks will just now prove to us all that they can take the cup again for SA.

Not going to work feeling like I did yesterday.
Good to have forum back gentlemen . :)
Got the off so I can get stuck into the final day's play in the test match . Probably go to a draw but atleast it's interesting .

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