What Do Your Usernames Mean?

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I chose AT6 minus the dash, because as an AIRFORCE brat the first planes I saw were yellow AT-6s lined up at Stallings AFB in North Carolina. They have always been my favorite aircraft and still the most beautiful planes ever to fly. When I turned 50 in 2000 I was given an hour in one and still cherish the memory.
Well since my real name is Justin I started getting called JD and then it turned into J dog. I love it and it has sticked with me for years.
Did you know that the last surviving member of the Rourke's Drift squad was Colour Sgt. Bourne who passed away on 10 May 1940 - the day Germany invaded France and Belgium!
Aozora = blue sky in Japanese: the prevalent colour of the skies in Enzed and Oz, especially around time when we have barbeques on the beach while the Northern hemishpherians get all sentimental about white meaning, in reality grey skies and ....naw I won't rub it in
Tengu - is a kind of japanese demon/demigod with two presentations - A raven headed and winged warrior or long nosed mountain monk. There was a legend that they had taught fighting and other skills to ninja. I started to use it all over internet when I was really hooked up on the Japanese culture of 16-18 century, and I still like it so I dont want to change it.
1979 - easy to guess - Year of my birth....
mine is my initials of my name ... wen i was a kid i would get high scores on arcade games like ghost n goblins my name would be RAG other people asked who is this RAGman? i would say it was me and the name just stuck
During my gliding course I was told that I was landing too far down the runway. So from then-on I started to come-in low hop over the hedge at the start of this strip, shove the nose forward to stop as quickly as possible. Now you're a Hedge Hopper. No pleasing some people.
Funny you should ask. I actually earned my nickname because I used to play SOCOM US. Navy SEAL's all-the-time. There was a character in the game with the call sign 'Specter'. So, my fellow Navy buddies always called me that to tease me. I have played every version and release since 2002. Now I tried to register that name online for the PC game 'Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising' but the name Specter was taken already so I tried different spellings until I came across the configuration I use now. I've been using for 11 years, LOL.

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