What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (1 Viewer)

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the lancaster kicks *** said:
what's that like? it does look a bit silly and typical teen comedy at times but i still wanna see it..........

all the way to the half way mark it was funny, but after that it just got stupid, im talking scary movie 4 stupid
Akeela and the Bee.

Cute. At times sloppy cute. Boys enjoyed it though. A nice G rated movie with profanities sprinkled in just to make it PG. What a waste.
a good day of viewing yesterday-

Inside I'm Dancing- a very emotional film, had even me crying for most of it and i challenge any of you guys not to be touched by it, one of the most amazing films i've ever seen!

The Longest Day- absolute classic, again wonderful to see, forgotten how much they stereotyped each nation though
Pink Panther: A Shot in the Dark. 3 hundred million times and it's still as Hilarious as ever..

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