What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Brake up, Lakehouse, Half Light, In enemy hands, all three of the X-men movies and they are pretty good movies.

The Lake house??? Ick.... isn't that the one with keanu reeves and some chick living 2yrs apart putting letters in a mailbox and they fall in love defying the space/time continuum???
Fahreheit 9/11........ Id like to torture that cretin... ****ing fat idiot he is.... actually, id send him to iraq as a food (fat) pack
The Lake house??? Ick.... isn't that the one with keanu reeves and some chick living 2yrs apart putting letters in a mailbox and they fall in love defying the space/time continuum???

Well mate I must say it is better than those other sh*t they call romantic movies.

Watch it before you make a comment and you will see you wont make yourself look like a idiot.

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