What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Tora Tora Tora...

Classic Movie.

Back to the Future for me. In primary one of my instructors was walking me around the A/C quizzing me on all sorts of systems crap. He asks me what's in this panel near the port wing light assembly - I answer it's the "flux capacitor." He says, "oh really, and what does THAT do?" "Sir, you turn it on, plug the year you want to go to in your transponder, and when you hit 88mph, about 75 knots..."
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Shawshank Redemption and The Nightmare Before Christmas...

Also went to see Casino Royale, some good bits but a bit disappointing overall...
i wont hear a bad word against Star Wars, amazing films......

Battle of River Plate, i love it for how typically British the characters are if nothing else........
Saw Casino Royal this week, the first third of the film was excellant - great stunts and action sequences, then it went gradually down hill. Became quite poor and boring I felt, and too mushy (not a bond lover).

Also went to see 'The Holiday' with a bunch of gals, not a bad film- a chick flick though! but I rather like Jack Black.

I enjoyed The Last Samauri when I saw it. I saw the 3D film of Nightmere before Christmas couple of weeks ago....that was good (kept the glasses because they are soooo Elvis Costello and Roy Orbison).
A Few Good Men

Oscar performances all around. A classic among classics. And Colonel Jessup was inspiring.

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