What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (1 Viewer)

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I always thought it was a flying model?
I thought about that, but it sure seems to have the right motion and perspective in relationship to ground objects/terrain.

Nearly all movies that use models (especially before the 80's) are fairly obvious...

All of my searches have come up with nothing. Event the Internet Movie Planes Database (IMPDb) comes up with nothing:
Category:Messerschmitt Bf 110 - The Internet Movie Plane Database
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Batman Forever (1995) - I saw this for the first time last night and was very impressed with Val Kilmer as Batman. He might even be the best Batman or at least a rival with Christian Bale. Kilmer passed up a chance to portray Batman in a second film in order to play the title role in The Saint. I wonder if he regrets that decision. The movie itself is decent but doesn't particularly stand out among other Batman movies. My major complaint about the film is their version of the Batmobile which looks like a turd on wheels.
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Godzilla from '14....

Edit: What a useless piece of....this is time that I'll never, ever, will get back....this one will go in the same bin as Pearl Harbor...
Edit 2: If and that's a big bl**dy if, they broke even on this.....thing, it's more than they deserve...
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Godzilla from '14....

Edit: What a useless piece of....this is time that I'll never, ever, will get back....this one will go in the same bin as Pearl Harbor...
Edit 2: If and that's a big bl**dy if, they broke even on this.....thing, it's more than they deserve...

Made over 3 times it's budget.....

Now steady yourself ....there will be another....:evil4:
Red Army ... a feature length documentary on Soviet Hockey in its Glory Days .... highly recommended. Limited distribution unfortunately.

Great trailer:

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Twilight Zone, Long Distance Call program. The story is ok I suppose but it's one of those "flat" looking episodes that was shot on video tape to save money; then it was kinescoped for preservation reasons which made it look even worse.

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