What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Re-watched Tora Tora Tora last night. Great movie and believe the re-enactment was extremely well done. Even managed to humanise the Japanese participants.
Nightcrawler (2014) I love this film. It revolves around a freelance videographer (a stringer) named Lou, played by Jake Gyllenhaall, who races around LA shooting grizzly crime and accident scenes to sell to tabloid type TV news programs. He's basically a sociopath who will do anything to get his shot, including tampering with evidence, no matter if it puts lives of innocents at risk. Lou is also not above romancing a much older woman, who is a TV news director played by Rene Russo, to advance his career. In the end, she turns out to be almost as ruthless as he is.
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