What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (1 Viewer)

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A Night in the Museum with Ben Stiller and Robin Williams. Robin Williams plays in the movie a figurine of Teddy Roosevelt 26th President of the USA that comes alive at night along with other figurines in this museum. Ben Stiller Plays the new night watchman in the Museum. Its quiet humourous. Even when the reconstructed bones of a T Rex comes to life and behaves like a Puppy chasing a stick. Light hearted movie but worth a view
Watching "Turn Left at the End of the World" right now, about an indian family who find themseleves with other newcomers in a remote Isreali village in 1968. Pretty quiet but enjoyable so far.
Art in DC
Dexter is....Interesting, I'll say that for sure, it sucked me right in. Just don't be afraid of blood.
Make sure you see the original versions and not the chopped up for normal TV versions (I don't understand what's left of this show to be shown on normal TV myself)
Art in DC

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