What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Watched a John Wayne movie on TV but don't know what it was. He was running cattle, his crew tossed him off the job and he vowed to kill the new head cowboy, Matt. His character name was Dunsten. I think it might have been Red River or something.

Wayne, wasn't that a good pic? As much as I dislike Kevin Costner, he has made some good movies. That was one of the ultimate cowboy movies. The shootout at the end beats "The Long Riders" IMHO.
Watched a John Wayne movie on TV but don't know what it was. He was running cattle, his crew tossed him off the job and he vowed to kill the new head cowboy, Matt. His character name was Dunsten. I think it might have been Red River or something.

Wayne, wasn't that a good pic? As much as I dislike Kevin Costner, he has made some good movies. That was one of the ultimate cowboy movies. The shootout at the end beats "The Long Riders" IMHO.

Sounds like..Red River, mate. Yeah I rather like Open Range, it's a favourite about the fourth time I've watched it.

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