What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Interesting it had another name, must have been a marketing thing. It was called 'Race for the Yankee Zephyr' in New Zealand.

The Dak in question was an ex-RNZAF machine, NZ3518, still airworthy when they put her in the lake for the film!
That reminds of an old joke...how do you make a million dollars in Hollywood? You start with 4 million dollars and pray like hell! :laughing6:
That reminds of an old joke...how do you make a million dollars in Hollywood? You start with 4 million dollars and pray like hell! :laughing6:

I'd say the quote which best describes Hollywood is the one stated by Paul Beeston, former Toronto Blue Jays executive:

"Anyone who quotes profits of a baseball club is missing the point. Under generally accepted accounting principles, I can turn a $4 million profit into a $2 million loss and I could get every national accounting firm to agree with me."

Hollywood accounting, just like professional sports accounting, is notoriously shady.

Well worth the watch if you haven't. Here is a trailer to give you an idea of it:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_E0J11-rB7Q

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