What is your people tolerance like?

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No issues Eric, just a level of annoyance.
Train journeys for example. I just want to sit in peace quiet. NOT listen to ipods and mobile phone calls where people have to share the conversation with the whole ****ing carriage.
I'm with VB. I'm a very patient man and can forebear almost all but can't stand for idiots. The older I am the less tolerant become.
For me it is simple economics. When fools, idiots, cretins, etc have their paws around you eatin-money you smile and tell them how wonderful they are, God's gift to the world. As you move to a more secure economic position more of your true feelings emerge. Now that they pay me NOT to work it's become very simple: DON'T WANT TO...DON'T HAVE TO....AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME
Can't say my in-tolerance has gotten worse as I've aged. I've alway been intolerant of stupidity, the world revolves around me types. Only in my youth I would just let things slide a little. Now I tend to let the offender know I am annoyed with them.
I used to hold doors open for anybody that was coming in or out of a building, now if they are more focused on thier cell phone than what it going on around them I just get in front of them, open the door just enough so I can get it and have it close in front of them. Maybe that's just my German heritage orneriness (is that right) coming through. Cell phone junkies are the worst!!!
People that say UM every other word annoys that crap out of me too... Have you ever listened to the joker in front of you at a fast food drive through. Usually he just sneaks in in front of you. He proceeds to have to read the entire flipping menu, asks 50 question, then says um after every other freaking word.

Whew, I need a blood pressure pill! To answer your question, yeah I'm pretty tolerant can't you tell.
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For me, its more a question of mood going into interactions. If I'm tired on a plane or bus and just want to close my eyes, and the guy next to me is blasting into his phone or has loud music going, I'm going to have a tic above my left eye in about 5 seconds (the tic only happens when I'm well and truly angry/annoyed). Other than that, I'm more passive aggressive. "So, you want to play your boombox loudly on a sleepy early morning train? Fine. Oops, I forgot to warn you about the 2ft drop to the ground when getting out," characterizes me on my bad moments. Most of the time, I am a people person.
Crusty ole bastards, aren't we. I'll sum it up and say, I too have become my Old Man. Hate 'em all and let God sort 'em out. Famous quote that is quite true actually.

It's summer time and the youngest is out of school. Wife decided to take him to a movie. Before the movie starts, this guy in front of my wife sat down in his chair (reclines really far) as if he was dropping his azz 3,000ft out of an airplane for a parachute drop. Smacked her in the knees and my youngest hit the back of his chair and gave the salulatory "Yo, Dude!" (He's 13). The guy didn't even look backwards.

My wife and son move down a chair to avoid this Ahole leaning back again. Ahole's wife shows up and he scoots down right in front of my wife and F*CKING DOES IT AGAIN!! My wife said he was not doing it on purpose, just was an oblivious ignoramous douchebag. He truly was in his own little solopsist world.

I hate people. I hates them.

Too crusty?

I think if that was me I would have sat behind the bastard and kicked the back of his chair throughout the entire movie. If he said anything I would have said that him banging his chair against my legs, twice, aggrevated my restless leg syndrome and caused involuntary leg jerks.

p.s. This term has now been added to my permanent vocabulary "oblivious ignoramous douchebag".
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"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

I am usually (outwardly) extremely patient, but there are times when people's actions or comments just flick my switch. I'm not proud of that, but then again some bloody well deserve it.
Einstein said that?! Another reason to put him higher no my totem pole of respect.

I have always heard that he had a horseshoe nailed above a door (U-up to hold the good luck) someplace that he resided. He was asked whether he believed that the horseshoe brought him good luck. He responded, "It can't hurt!"... or some such variation. Perhaps not true story, but I have always kept that thought.
AsI get older, I get more and more intolerant of idiot drivers. They just piss me off!

Use your damn turn signal, look over your shoulders, let people merge onto the interstate, don't drive below the speed limit in the fast lane, don't text or talk on your phone, and for crying out loud get off my ass! I am not going to drive any faster! First and for most, if you are not going to give your full attention go the road and driving, park your damn car!

I have noticed these things more and more over the last year...

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